on Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces

  • 1-Day Workshop discussion
  • on different approaches of semantic interoperability inside and between data spaces
  • concrete methods of semantic interoperability in specific domains
October 1, 2024  (09:00, CEST)
April 22, 2024 
(09:00, CEST)

Submission opens

June 16, 2024 
(17:00, CEST)

Submission deadline

July 12, 2024 
(17:00, CEST)

Notification of acceptance

August 16, 2024  
(17:00, CEST)

Presentation ready

October 1, 2024 
(09:00, CEST)

Workshop in Budapest

Workshop organizers

Project supporters

Workshop Description

On 01 October 2024 the 3rd Workshop will take place back2back with the European Big Data Value Forum 2024 (EBDVF2024) in Budapest, Hungary.

The focus of the 3rd workshop is two-fold:
  • to discuss different approaches for semantic interoperability in and between data spaces (e.g. ontologies and controlled vocabularies, SHACL shapes, JSON schemas, etc…), and 
  • to raise awareness for and discuss cross-domain (semantic) interoperability concepts (e.g. methodologies, vocabularies), and
  • to bridge the gap between such concepts, overall and particular in regards to standardisation.
Who is the Workshop addressed to?
  • You are a researcher, decision maker or practitioner 
  • You work in the development and operation of European (common) data spaces, data markets and other web-based data management systems 
  • You know about a data sharing, trading and data collaboration
  • You want to discuss requirements, standards, tools, licenses and more regarding (semantic data) interoperability in data spaces
What a domain contribution is?

We are asking for contributions from different domains along the Common European Data Spaces and beyond, like

  • Agriculture 
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Greed Deal
  • Health
  • Language
  • Manufacturing
  • Media
  • Mobility
  • Public Administration
  • Research & Innovation
  • Skills
  • Tourism
This one-day workshop will be a mix of presentations, interactive parts and discussions

The output document will summarise all the inputs and discussions about mainly (a) different approaches of semantic interoperability inside and between data spaces, (b) current concrete applied methods of semantic interoperability in specific domains and thereby highlighting differences and overlaps. The outcome will be published freely available under an open license / under open access.

The Position Papers will be published on the Workshop’s website.

If the number of Position Papers exceeds the availability of slots for presentation, a programme committee will select the papers that will be presented.

Plus: provision of URLs to the topic (if applicable), and the bio(s) of the speaker(s).

Workshop Agenda

back2back with EBDVF 2024

 01 October 2024  09.00-16.30 

Danubius Hotel Arena – Hungary, Budapest Ifjúság útja 1-3. 1148

09:00 - 09:15

Welcome & Introduction

Sebastian Steinbuß


09:15 - 09:35


Coen Janssen
Coen Janssen

Policy Officer “Data Policy & Innovation” at DG CONECT, EC

09:35 - 09:45

BDVA Paper on Interoperability

Rigo Wenning


09:45 - 09:55

IDSA Position Paper on Semantic Interoperability

Sebastian Steinbuß


09:55 - 10:15

Coffee Break

10:15 - 12:15

Invited Lightning Talks from the Call for Participation

Fabio Coelho


Federico Gutt

Fraunhofer EMI

Haridimos Kondylakis

Hellenic Digital Health Cluster

Juan Cano de Benito

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Iván Alfonso

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Pedro Guimaraes

CCG/ZGDV and University of Minho

Robert David


Raul Palma

Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)

Roberto García

Universitat de Lleida, Spain


Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Tharindu Ranathunga

Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Sourabh Bharti

Universitat de Lleida, Spain

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch Break

13:30 -15:00

Fish Bowl (moderated fishbowl discussion along the following topics)

  • Approaches for semantic Interoperability;
  • Domain / industry specific activities (where do we have to align, or do we need different approaches (per domain));
  • Related standards: gaps & actions.

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:00

Presentation of results in plenary (by the Organisers)

16:00 - 16:30

Summary and take home message & what happens next (by the Organisers)

"A Semantic Interoperability Toolkit for Sharing Energy Data and Models in a Manufacturing Data Space"

This paper explores achieving semantic interoperability in a manufacturing data space, focusing on sharing energy-related data and ML models to achieve energy efficiency. It introduces a toolkit to enhance the use of existing semantic ontologies during data preparation and ML model training workflows and prepares their outputs to be shared in an IDSA-based ecosystem.

Tharindu Ranathuna, Sourabh Bharti, Alan McGibney

Munster Technological University, Ireland

"Towards quantitative measures of interoperability"

The increase in IoT devices has generated the need to homogenize heterogeneous data. Although standards exist to achieve interoperability, their technical implementation varies, making quantitative measurement difficult. We propose a methodology to evaluate and certify interoperability based on an agreed standard, ensuring communication between heterogeneous systems.

Juan Cano-Benito, Andrea Cimmino, Raul Garcıa-Castro

Ontology Engineering Group

"Agriculture Data Space for Sovereign Data Sharing and Semantic Integration"

We present an agriculture data space that provides data sovereignty by design and postpones data integration until needed. It supports different agricultural use cases, semantic data integration and guarantees data originators remain in control because data consumers can use it but without accessing the original data or a copy of it.

Roberto Garcıa and Rosa Gil

Universitat de Lleida, Spain

"Towards Data Interoperability for the Digital Product Passport Ecosystem”

The Digital Product Passport (DPP) initiative is a European effort to boost the circular economy by enhancing product sustainability and lowering environmental impact. I will present a proposal for a common foundational schema for DPP data to ensure solution interoperability, implemented using the low-code BESSER platform to quickly generate a comprehensive software DPP infrastructure.

Iván Alfonso, Daniele Pagani, and Jordi Cabot

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

"An Evolving Data Space: A framework for unifying domain knowledge and data"

This paper proposes a framework that leverages evolving Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to address semantic integration challenges in Data Spaces. The framework continuously enriches a KG by integrating heterogeneous data and generating new domain knowledge through intelligent unifiers. This process results in an updated domain reference model that adapts to new knowledge and supports further semantic integrations.

Pedro Guimaraes, Antonio C. Vieira, and Maribel Y. Santos

CCG/ZGDV and University of Minho

"Raising the Role of Vocabulary Hubs for Semantic Data Interoperability in Dataspaces"

Europe is heavily investing in dataspaces for industrial data sharing, but faces semantic interoperability challenges. The Vocabulary Hub aims to enhance metadata descriptions and integrate semantic descriptions into datasets, thereby improving data querying. We provide a solution by integrating the PoolParty and GraphDB products, further developed in the Digital Europe project UNDERPIN focusing on refinery and wind farm data.

Robert David, Petar Ivanov, Vladimir Alexiev

SWC, Ontotext

"Cascading Effects Analysis Enabled by Semantic Interoperability in the Resilience Data Space"

Crisis and their cascading effects stress the need for resilient critical infrastructure. A lack of standardized methods for handling diverse, decentralized data hinders it. This paper explores how semantic interoperability in a resilience data space allows a knowledge graph-based approach to analyze such effects, enabling data-driven crisis management.

Federico Gutt, Martin Huschka, Alexander Stolz

Fraunhofer EMI for High-Speed Dynamics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für nachhaltige technische Systeme

If you have any questions regarding to the Workshop please contact us using the web-form below:











